Can You Continue After Beating Breath of the Wild

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Topic: After beating Zelda Breath of the Wild... (Spoilers)

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I browsed the topics and didn't really find anything relating to the ending of BOTW (except for the general BOTW discussion but I think this deserves a thread of its own) so I decided to make one. Spoilers of course.

After beating Ganon today I was honestly rather disappointed there wasn't anything to do after. I was hoping it would have changed the world and added new dialogue and quests but there wasn't anything. I was actually really looking forward to after endgame content but there was nothing. The only option is just loading your last save before the final battle. So how will this affect the DLC? Would you just load your save before Ganon and go off to play the dungeon DLC and then that be it?
Anyways, what are some of your opinions about the ending, or maybe how things could have been better or different?



I'm more interested in why I got an star after beating the game? I don't see any changes? Is its for bragging right? I agreed that there doesn't seem to be any differences.

I found the boss is a bit epic to fight to be honest. I beat Ganon by accident since I was literally grinding for ancient parts and went too far. I only completed three dungeons and its actually pretty fun to fight Ganon. I might fight Ganon on my new file (on a alt account) to see how far I can get. I will post it here after beating last dungeon and getting all the memories.

I have an feeling that the second DLC going be an different game in the game. Like you pick an option between continuing the game or playing different storyline game from the startup menu.

Umm… Care to have some gravy?


@Super_Gravy After doing some research I found that the star just means you've beaten the game and now there's a percentage of completion on the map. I have a 13.5 percent after beating all the divine beasts and finding almost all the shrines. The game still acts like Ganon is still alive though, so I guess the only point is to just search for all the 86.5 percent of content.

That's probably what they're gonna do with the DLC, I thought it would be kinda like how Fallout handles it's DLC with them being individual stories that aren't connected with the main game much.



I didn't realized the percentage thing until now. That's kinda cool! I have 27.54 percentage complete. I have not beat the fourth divine beast. I guessing the seeds and hearts taken into account. I will check for pictures.

Chests doesn't count. Great fairy location count. Upgrading armours doesn't count. Getting spirit orbs count and converting them did not add more percentage. I don't think the pictures count either but I noticed you can buy elite pictures after beating the game.

Edited on by Super_Gravy

Umm… Care to have some gravy?



Ok, now that I have warned you, let's discuss the cutscene after the credits, Zelda is speaking about trouble with the Divine Beast of the Zora (the elephant, I always forget it's name) and telling Mipha's father something. My theory is that the DLC with the new dungeon will be post-Ganon and that the dungeon will be the dreaded water temple (I mean elephant) — side note, did anyone else think that thing was massive compared to the other Divine Beasts? Anyway, back on topic, I think that the DLC will add an after boss storyline with Zelda and Link adventuring across Hyrule. This seems to be the case because they promise each other that they will continue to explore and learn and also they are travelling to the Zora's Domain to solve a problem with the Divine Beast. Also, note that the DLC is a season pass, I think that if this is a hit that we will be seeing even more of the open world we have grown to love even though the weapons always break at the most inconvenient times like one hit from the kill of a Silver Lynel or one hit into a Flurry Rush. Please bring me even more DLC Nintendo.

Also, I think the star spawns those White Bokoblins and other harder monsters and makes Royal Gear way more common, I mean seriously, I only saw it in the castle before I beat Ganon and now it is everywhere.



@Xaether It's a good theory, Zelda even mentioning that about the elephant robot dungeon thingy made me feel like there was going to be a cool post game world but there wasn't. But I'm not sure if a 20 dollar DLC would add that much content. They'd have to give new dialogue to everybody, making the world seem believable that Ganon was defeated. But who knows, Nintendo makes great DLC and they may do just that.



@RazorThin It wouldn't be very hard to make it post-Ganon, most of the NPCs don't even know what Ganon is and so only Impatient and a couple others would need to change. Hyrule would still be dangerous because of monsters so the NPCs would probably stay about the same. If there is another dungeon, that implies that there will be another boss probably related to Ganon and it could seize control of the Guardians which would solve yet another problem. Plus, knowing Nintendo and the way they phrased their message about DLC, it sounds like they are so proud of their game that they want to continue to expand it rather than making a brand new Zelda game. Don't forget, now that they have set the bar high, it will be challenging to continue to one-up themselves.



@RazorThin just finished the game and I thought the ending was so bad but then again the main story in general was pretty terrible. The bosses were quite poor anyway and Ganon was just a mix of all 4 until the laughably easy 2nd stage.

Don't get me wrong the world and all the rest of the stuff is amazing but I don't think I'll remember this as fondly as several of the other entries on the series. I'm hoping they use the dlc to build a post Ganon world with new stories to move away from this perceptual battle that Nintendo don't even know how to justify anymore. The world is waiting, now time for some new stories

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.

Switch Friend Code: SW-5967-3221-9309 | My Nintendo: Carlos


@carlos82 I didn't think the story was that bad, but the bosses were very easy. I don't think I died a single time fighting the main bosses. I might have died once with the first boss, but if I did, it's because I barely had any hearts at the time. I didn't even come close to dying when I fought Ganon. Granted, I had quite a few hearts and a full inventory of food, but I still thought it would be more challenging than that.

Edited on by KirbyTheVampire



I just beat it just this minute, I have to say, Im slightly gutted that I can just load my last save, I was hoping the world had got back to normal and I can go explore again, but it seems its the same, that really isn't so cool,

Edited on by Carerra



Yea, I was hoping you would just be placed back in the world so that you could continue on your merry way. But if I'm not mistaken, wasn't Ocarina the same way? You would beat Ganon, and then the game would kick you back to the menu. So if you wanted to fully complete your file, your save would always place you directly outside the castle, I think.



Not a fan of just loading a save file, either. I wish I had waited to beat Ganon. Now the sense of urgency and purpose in general is basically gone. Plus, seeing a post-Ganon world would have been cool.



@KirbyTheVampire I felt the same exact way as you do after the Ganon fight, though my desire to finish the Kass quest made me pick up my save again. Now since I'm done with that, I don't really have the desire to find 800 korok seeds and the few shrines I may have missed.



I just collected all the pictures.

What to do with a picture of pin-up lady?

Umm… Care to have some gravy?


I hope the DLC will be on the same save, but post-ganon. The star means that we already best the main quest, and I think the DLC could add more afterward, and it could follow link and zelda rebuilding hyrule together. I just hope the dlc isn't a 'mini game' where we can no longer play in the open world with all of our progress saved/present



I personally hope the DLC is a prequel of sorts. They went through the trouble of designing a whole castle town and I'm sure countless buildings only to have them be destroyed during gameplay. It'd be great to explore the world pre - Gannon, just to see what the ruins looked like before they were ruins.

Though a post Gannon world would admittedly be more interesting from a story perspective



@Operative2-0 interesting idea. There is so much going on in Breath of The Wild, I wish more expansions were coming. It would be great to see what hyrule was like before ganon, and then restore it to its former glory after ganon.



The thing is that if the world went back to normal. Many enemies in this game wouldn't function, for example, all the different types of guardians. And ganon was the one that allowed the monsters of the world to respawn so that's another mechanic that would be messed with. Also I''m surprised people are upset with the game saving just before the fight with Ganon since this happens with every Zelda game (from the ones that Iv'e played).

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-2601-9990-4610
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Twitter: @Eric258kip


Well, the decayed guardian, stalker, skywatchers, and turrets wouldn't function (and the turrets would presumably have been removed from the castle). The guardian scout bosses would still function as normal because those are always colored Sheikah blue and orange, serving as trials for the hero, not minions for the Calamity.

Don't hate me because I'm bnahabulous.


Well I just defeated calamity ganon and went through all the stuff and I thought that all evil would be gone like the purple pink black goo stuff and all the ancient towers and all of that would be blue and that the guardians would be back to good cause the calamity is gone and that it would continue after defeating him but nope u can only continue to just before u go to ganon and also for the DLC I think one is gonna be about fixing the divine beast and exploring the world with Zelda and fixing up all of hyrule and rebuilding the castle like with Terry town and the other DLC is gonna be about the blood moon and how to stop it and make it happen and getting rid of all the monsters and all that sort of stuff but what they should also do for a DLC is have some sort of ancient soul life thingy that can bring back anything or anyone that has died so the king and champions ( revali , urbursa, Mipha and daruk ) but they most probs won't


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